If you are already using an open source Operating System (OS) like GNU/Linux, then you can safely ignore this post. fi.

If you are using Windows or Mac OS X, and you are interested in increasing your geekiness, you should read ahead.

Why the need for an open source OS ?

  • Because proprietary software blocks you from learning how a software works (so you can’t fix it if it’s broken).
  • Because having to pay to be able to use your computer should never happen.
  • Because at a time when technology becomes ubiquitous, either one controls it, or get controlled by it.
  • Because you should care about privacy.
  • Because free and open source software is often better written and has less bugs than proprietary software.

Ok, but what to use ?

The most popular GNU/Linux distribution for beginners is Ubuntu. But I wouldn’t recommend it. You should try Fedora. You need to install [Virtualbox][] on your machine, and then you can try out some distributions. Do that for several weeks before you install GNU/Linux on a hard drive.

You want to learn the basics of the command line, like cd, ls, pwd, what is $PATH, what is a shell, etc…

What else ?

My favorite GNU/Linux distribution is Archlinux. You should try it once you’ve mastered the command line ;)

archlinux Archlinux is the best !
