Back in 2005 I was using Desktop Earth on my Powerbook G4. It allows you to display the earth as a wallpaper with real time day/night cycle and clouds.

Unfortunately this software is proprietary and only for Windows/Mac. I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to get my desktop back and that feeling of looking at humanity sleeping/working through my transparent terminal window.

Here is what it looks like:


Sorry here it is without the terminal:


Now the great thing is that all the hard part is already done by So we just need to grab the image periodically and set it as wallpaper. Here is the script I made for that purpose:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# display earth as desktop wallpaper
# needs feh, wget and imagemagick

# where we do our stuff
# a 1680x1050 image for the top of the screen
# will be restored on exit

# bring back the normal wallpaper when script exits
function exit_script()
    feh --bg-scale $normal_wallpaper &
    exit 0

# trap sigint
trap exit_script SIGINT

while true; do
    # first get the image
    wget -q -O $dir/original.jpg
    # remove 15 pixels of height
    convert $dir/original.jpg -crop 1600x872 $dir/cropped.jpg
    # resize it to 1680
    convert $dir/cropped-0.jpg -resize 1680x1035 $dir/cropped-big.jpg
    # merge the two images
    convert $top $dir/cropped-big.jpg -append $dir/desktop.jpg
    # display on desktop
    feh --bg-scale $dir/desktop.jpg
    # 15 minutes
    sleep 900

The top image was generated with Gimp. It’s just an image of 1680x15 pixels with a background color for the top of my screen, designed for dark backgrounds.

So to conclude, we don’t need complicated software, a few lines of bash can do great things :)